Iowa Barnstormer Youth coach now faces federal child porn charge

Update: Greg Stephen had his initial court appearance in US District Court in Cedar Rapids Tuesday afternoon. He's charged with knowingly transporting child pornography across state lines. A federal judge ordered him to be held without bond.  His next court appearance will be March 15th.

In an affidavit filed with the court, Stephen's former brother in law reportedly told the Monticello Police Chief he found a video camera disguised as a USB charging device in Stephen's home.  The brother-in-law says he took the device and looked at the images recorded on the camera.  

The brother-in-law told the police chief they appeared to have been taken in a hotel bathroom, showing boys going in and out of the shower undressed.  The affidavit says those boys were later found to be aged 12, 13 and 14.

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - Well known youth basketball coach Greg Stephen has now been arrested and faces a federal charge of knowingly transporting child pornography.   

Investigators say they found video of boys undressing and several covert cameras in a search of Stephen's homes. Four covert video recording devices were found, and a investigators were still trying to determine if a smoke detector on the ceiling over a toilet might be another covert device.  

In court documents obtained by WHO / WMT Radio News, a special agent with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation says Stephens maintains his only intention in making the videos was to look at growth and development; at how much taller the kids were going to get, and how developed they were.

Stephen told the investigator he did not make sexual advances to any of the boys, and would never have a sexual relationship with any of the boys.  He did admit he was a little aroused, the same way you would be aroused when you view anyone naked, according to the criminal complaint.

Stephen is the co-founder of the Barnstormers Youth Basketball Program.

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