Lawmaker Says Don't Arm Teachers Because Most Are Women

Any gun discussion by politicians is eventually going to involve crazy talk.  And it's not limited to the left.

An Alabama lawmaker says teachers should not be armed because most of them are women.

Alabama State Representative Harry Shiver told that most women are "scared of guns" and since most educators are female, they shouldn't have guns in the classroom.

Shiver, a retired is coach and former gym teacher, does not support the bill, currently in the Alabama state house, even though most Republicans there do.

According to Vice, at least 14 states allow teachers to be armed in the classroom.

So, if you are not going to arm teachers, who should be armed?  One candidate says:  the homeless.

A US Senate candidate in Michigan is proposing this unusual way to combat crime against this vulnerable population.

Brian Ellison, the state's Libertarian candidate, says that homeless people are often victims of violent crime and the best way to prevent that would be to give them guns, specifically shotguns.

Ellison told the UK Guardian that pistols would be more ideal, but strict gun laws leave the homeless with only the one option.  Ellison is dismissing criticism that his plan might be dangerous, saying he's more scared of today's militarized police forces than he is of shotgun carrying homeless persons.

My view? on handing out shotguns to homeless people.

I think schools should locally decide whether to arm teachers.  However, I personally am favorable to training and arming teachers.  I base this thought on an interview I did on the radio show with a school security expert.  He told me that he advises teachers to lock the door from the inside and barricade the door.  But in a final, desperate moment, if the shooter does get inside the classroom, I want the teacher to have access to a gun stored in a secure manner.

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