LOOK: A World Record on day 7 of the State Fair

Day 7 of the State Fair means The Big Show Challenge with Gary and the gang from Robert's Carburetor attempting to beat their previous time in rebuilding this John Deere 'M':

A big crowd gathers in front of the Crystal Studios as the time to beat is 30 minutes and 27 seconds:

284 parts were strewn about on the Grand Concourse:

Just like that, those pieces were turned into this:

In record time, 27 minutes and 35 seconds!!  Congratulations on a new record, what an accomplishment.  It was also Iowa Farm Environmental Leaders Awards day over at the Penningroth Center:

A big crowd on hand to honor recognize the efforts of over 25 farmers as environmental leaders committed to healthy soils and improved water quality:

It recognizes the exemplary voluntary actions of farmers that improve or protect the environment and natural resources of our state.  These influential environmental leaders also encourage other farmers to follow in their footsteps by showcasing the success that they have had:

Here are the winners:

It was also the day where the old tractor owners brought their pride and joy to the Grand Concourse:

Such a cool sight:

Joyce and the folks from the Iowa Pork Producers Association were kind enough to bring by some pork loin, burger and bbq sandwiches:

One can only imagine how we will top this tomorrow, but as always we'll give it our best shot.  See you at 11!

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