The Most Popular Kids' Halloween Costumes 2018

Fall is practically here (in fact, check the forecast for this weekend -  70s and 50s!!!) and that means kids are already deciding what they want to dress up as for Halloween this year. My kids always changed their minds frequently -  so mom and I would buy the LAST week before trick-or-treat time.

There are always little ghosts, witches, and princesses out trick-or-treating, but there are always fun, new costumes inspired by popular shows, movies, and video games. Here are the looks you’ll probably see come to your door with candy buckets in hand on Beggars' Night:

Miguel Rivera - If your kid can’t stop watching “Coco” they’ll love dressing up as the 12-year-old heroic main character.  In fact, if you have leftover Jack Skellington make-up, you're most of the way there!

The Incredibles - "The Incredibles 2" was a smash hit, so expect to see lots of families dressed as “The Incredibles” characters, and plenty of kids going as Violet, Dash, or Jack Jack.  In fact, I've just returned from a Disney cruise in which I realized that the Disney marketing team is full of geniuses who keep finding ways to bring characters back into vogue.

Black Panther - Superheroes are always popular costumes, and this year’s trick-or-treaters are bound to include several T’Challas, Shuris and Okyoes.

Daniel Tiger - The preschool set loves the friendliest tiger in the neighborhood on PBS Kids.

Unicorns - All you really need for this one is a horn, but an all-white outfit and a colorful wig and tail makes it that much better.

Porgs - These small, penguin-like creatures from “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” will make adorable Halloween costumes.

Han Solo - Fans of “Solo” are going to want to dress up as the star.

Narwhal - Move over, mermaids, narwhals are the unicorn of the sea, so they’re the new trendy sea creature to be.  Can you believe "Elf" was released in 2003???  ("Bye, Buddy, hope you find your dad!!!!")

Fortnite Characters - There will be no shortage of trick-or-treating Raptors and Red Knights inspired by the popular video game.

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