Iowa State honors Celia Arozamena with tribute and sea of yellow

AMES, Iowa — It was a perfect day for football, but despite blue skies a dark cloud hangs over Ames; the death of 22 year-old cyclone student and world-class golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena.   Her body was found in a pond at a local golf course last week; 22 year-old Collin Richards is charged with her murder.

“It’s really shaken us up quite a bit but I think just seeing the community come together and kind of work through it together and kind of talk about things has really helped” junior Brianna Masten tells WHO TV 13.

Barquin Arozamena, the Big 12 women's golf champ, was supposed to be on the field at the game this weekend to be honored as Iowa State's female athlete of the year.

Instead, Saturday's ISU Cyclone game became a memorial to Arozamena. The crowd wore yellow, her favorite color, and her native Spanish flag flew high at tailgates around the stadium.

“We feel like we’re responsible for them, we want to welcome them in, and to imagine what her family and parents are going through so far away we just want to show that we care and really in a situation like this that’s all you can do” said Bryan Carpenter, who raised a Spanish flag at his tailgate.

The start of the game felt heavy, the players marched arm in arm to the sidelines instead of running out from the tunnel, her initials on the helmets of both teams, and on shirts in the crowd.

“Wearing her initials on my shirt makes it more personal and to be able to support her any way in our community is very important” said senior Sara Hassemiller.

Prior to kickoff a video tribute played for Arozamena, honoring her role as an athlete, and a cyclone.

As the video came to an end not a word was spoken in Jack Trice; a moment of silence for a young woman whose tragic end has been felt across campus, across the nation, and around the world.  

CLICK HERE for the GoFundMe account raising money to help Arozamena's family with funeral expenses.

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