It Is Decidedly So: Magic 8-Ball Enters Toy Hall Of Fame

Boo and I have started our Christmas shopping and we're always on the lookout for toys for the grandkids.

Have you had the same reaction as me?  I am glad to find that toys that I LOVED as a kid are still hot.  Hot Wheels, Legos, etc.  I suppose it is my hope that my grandkids will experience the same excitement that I felt when playing with them.

That said, it seems an appropriate time of year to announce new inductees into the Toy Hall Of Fame.

The Magic 8 Ball, Uno and pinball are officially legends – as they’re now enshrined in the Toy Hall of Fame. Since 1998, the Hall has inducted several notable Toys that have had a large impact on child play like Barbie, Play-Doh and Crayola crayons.

  • The Magic 8 Ball has lost most of its novelty since the 1900s but remains a go-to for random questions about the unknown.
  • The card game Uno was invented by an Ohio barber in 1971 changing family game nights everywhere.
  • And, pinball, despite its early shady beginnings in gambling, now takes up innocent space in many arcades and bars across the U.S.

The iconic features beat out another Hall of Fame finalist, the American Girl Doll.  But it's just a matter of time for this popular doll, isn't it?

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