Christmas Gift Alert: "Monopoly For Millennials"

Do you need a Christmas gift for that "hard-to-buy-for" millennial in your life?  First, make sure they have a sense of humor about millennial stereotypes.  Because "Monopoly For Millennials" may anger them if they don't.

If you thought game night couldn’t ruin friendships enough as is, let’s bring in a version of Monopoly that’s “geared towards millennials.” Naturally, the game that prides itself on property ownership and making the big bucks has shifted their rules to fit the millennial lifestyle of …not owning anything and making no money.

The tagline of the game? “Forget real estate. You can’t afford it anyway.” Instead of collecting money, you collect what’s called “experience points” which will earn you things like music festivals or eating at a vegan restaurant. One of the “hottest destinations” according to the game? Couch-surfing. Um…yay?

The game looks like a ton of fun considering we can all relate to the reality of it. Who wants to rack up the big bucks for a fake property when we could be eating plant-based meals for the ‘gram instead?

So would that special millennial in your life play this game repeatedly?  Because I fear it would be one of those "toys" that makes everyone laugh for ONE DAY and then NEVER gets used again.

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