It's a busy week on The Big Show with several events going on. Andy headed out to Lincoln, Nebraska to the 2nd largest indoor farm show in the U.S.:
Our friends from Mitas were kind enough to host us:
There's a lot of talk about these big floater tires and what benefits they can provide in the challenging conditions we can see:
Of course there were many different types of and sizes of tires on display:
One of the nice things about this show is the wide variety of equipment, from the biggest and newest available:
To the stuff for a smaller operation:
Of course, Greg and the Mitas gang were talking about when they floated this tractor in a pond at the Farm Progress Show:
And in case you were wondering how big that floater tire is...Andy is 6'4" tall:
The Nebraska Power Farming Show continues through Thursday, over 9.5 acres of farm equipment under a roof and you can find more here.