Surprise! Woman Discovers She's Legally Dead

A woman from Mecklenburg County, Virginia recently discovered that she’s been legally dead for two years. Alice McFail-Ghee was trying to apply for fuel assistance through Social Services back in November, when she was called about a problem with her application… Social Security had her “listed as deceased.”

So, she headed down to the South Boston Social Security office, the same one that reportedly marked her as dead, to prove that she was indeed alive. Since she legally “died” on the same day in November 2016 that her husband, Vernall Ghee, passed away from cancer, Alice thinks she was marked deceased at the same time.

“First I thought it was a joke, I was like what do I do for them to bring me back to life?” Alice says. “This is not the wild wild west you can’t just kill people off. I am considered the walking dead.”

Thankfully, she’s officially alive now. After writing some letters to her Senators to get the process expedited, she has been marked as alive and received a new social security card. The strangest part of the whole thing is that she had already been successfully paying taxes and voting during the time she was technically dead.

This is good to know.  I think I'll put in my will that, after I am gone, my kids should STOP paying my taxes but should vote on my behalf for candidates that they know I like.

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