Six Polk County cities vote on local option sales and services tax Tuesday

POLK COUNTY, Iowa – A special election is taking place on Tuesday and six cities in Polk County are voting on an increase to the local option sales and services tax.

If passed, the local option sales and services tax increases by one-cent, from six-cents to seven-cents for every retail dollar spent.

Cities voting to increase the local option sales and services tax include: Des Moines, West Des Moines, Altoona, Alleman, Pleasant Hill and Windsor Heights.

Each city has different wording on its ballot, which will determine where the money will go if the tax is passed.

According to WHO Channel 13, this is the first election where voter identification is required before casting a ballot.

Valid voter identifications include: Iowa driver’s license, low non-operator’s identification, military identification, U.S. passport, tribal identification, veteran’s identification and a voter identification card.

The polls open at 7:00 a.m.

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