Educating lawmakers about biodiesel

Despite the snowy conditions, folks from across the state involved with the biodiesel industry in Iowa made their way to the State Capitol building to try and educate lawmakers:

The morning began in a meeting room just behind the House chamber for a meeting of the Iowa Biodiesel board:

Of course, there were all kinds of education pieces showing the importance of the industry to the state, and the importance of supportive police to the industry:

Of course, one of the most breath-taking views anytime ones goes to the state house is looking up from the rotundra:

Secretary of Ag Mike Naig came time to answer questions from the Iowa Biodiesel Board:

The view while leaving the board meeting room is always impressive:

After the board meeting it was time to meet with lawmakers:

Of course there are always tour groups coming through so one by product of all the signage - a chance to help kids learn a little about the industry as well!

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