Hot weekend coming for Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa - Daytime high temperatures will be well over 90 degrees beginning today and continuing through the weekend.

The heat index will get close to 100 degrees, or more, through Monday.

"The heat index basically combines measurements of temperature and humidity to try to estimate the impact temperature on the human body," said National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Lee.

In other words, the more humidity there is on a hot day, the hotter it will feel.

Taking precautions in the heat will be important, especially for those either working or playing outdoors over the weekend.

"The best ways to do that are try to stay in the shade or inside whenever possible. If you are working outside or engaging in sports or other activities be sure to drink a lot of water and take frequent breaks."

High temperatures will begin cooling down next Tuesday when more thunderstorms are in the forecast.

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