Female seal pup born at Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines

Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines has a new seal pup.

"Meru" the harbor seal gave birth to a female seal pup on Aug. 20, weighing about 32 pounds,

The zoo said mom and pup are doing well.

In the next few weeks, zoo staff will introduce her to the outdoor habitat known as Hub Harbor with father, ‘Ross,’ brother ‘Monty’ and two California sea lions, ‘Addy’ and ‘Zoey.’

Harbor seal pups are naturally weaned from their mothers at four to six weeks, so there will be times during the next couple of months that she will not be available for viewing," the hospital said.

The zoo is asking for donations in exchange for an opportunity to name the pup. Now through September 12, you can submit one name suggestion for a $50 donation and three name suggestions for a $100 donation. Zoo officials want the name suggestions limited to one or two syllables. The public will then vote with a final selection released on Sept. 24.

Go to www.blankparkzoo.com to submit ideas.

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