Do you believe something serious happened to the Iowa band at ISU?

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Exactly what happened to the Iowa Hawkeye Band at Jack Trice Stadium last weekend? That's the important question.

Unfortunately Iowa has gone down it's usual PR messy road by saying something and then leaving everything else up to speculation. Now some parents are saying a female band member was groped and a male band member was punched.

The problem is the statement from Gary Barta was vague and ISU's Athletics Director Jamie Pollard says the Cyclones know nothing at all of the claims.

“University of Iowa Athletics has been made aware of inappropriate actions made toward student members and staff of the Hawkeye Marching Band while attending the Iowa State football game Sept. 14,” the statement from Barta reads. “We have contacted Iowa State Athletics administration and are working to gather additional information.

“Our main priority is the safety of all Iowa students, staff and coaches when attending events away from Iowa City.”

At a press conference yesterday Pollard said that Iowa's band traveled with one University of Iowa police officer and three Polk County deputies. He said none of those officers reported anything or had anything shared with them about "inappropriate" incidents.

“Here’s what I do know happened last week: This state had a national audience with 'GameDay'. It was an awesome, celebratory day for both Iowa and Iowa State. It brought great exposure to the Cy-Hawk series and Iowa corn and everything great about this state. It pains me to think that a pretty vague release has kind of damaged that, nationally," Pollard said.

What do you think? Did something serious happen to Hawkeye Marching Band members?

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