Diabetes Is On The Rise And Most Americans Can't Afford Insulin

The number of Americans battling diabetes is on the rise...and unfortunately, so is the price on insulin. In fact, most Americans say they can't afford it. Jeff talks with JDRF President Aaron Kowalski (who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes as a teenager) about the cause of the problem and potential solutions.

Background: The average price of insulin, a life-saving drug for Type 1 diabetics, nearly doubled between 2012 and 2016, forcing Americans to search for other routes to access it. One reason why it’s expensive is because the U.S. laws let pharmaceutical manufacturers set their own prices and raise them at will. Also, there is not much competition for insulin in the U.S. markets. There have been efforts to reform the prices in some states, but it is not widespread just yet. More than 7 million people in America use insulin but thanks to its cost, many people have to choose between financial insecurity and saving their own lives. November 14 is World Diabetes Day.

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