Clock's ticking to get snow off of Des Moines sidewalks

DES MOINES, Iowa -- The clock is ticking to get snow off sidewalks in Des Moines.

"Residents have 48 hours from the time the last snowflake falls to get sidewalks shoveled. That (deadline) won't happen until about 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday" says Des Moines Public Works Director Johnathan Gano.

He says, for the most part, people play by the rules.

"The overwhelming majority, like 99.5 percent of sidewalks in Des Moines, are shoveled dutifully--usually within the first 24 hours" Gano says.

The Des Moines City Council last year increased fines for not clearing sidewalks. Gano says the fines are now $75 for the first offense, and $100 for the second offense -- up to $175 for the fifth offense.

He also says those offenses won't reset with the start of a new year--they can carry over for up to three years. That means a first offense citation can be issued this year, then a second next year, a third in 2022--all with the accompanying increases in fines.

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