Wire Service that Calls Political Contests Declines To Do So In Iowa

DES MOINES, Iowa - The organization known for declaring winners in major political contests has declined to do so in the Iowa caucus this year.

The Associated Press (AP) says it will not call a winner because of concerns that results reported by the Iowa Democratic Party are not completely accurate.

The AP noted there were problems with an app and a backup phone system that delayed the reporting of caucus results for several day. It said precinct results were impaired by errors and discrepancies, including more vote totals in the second round alignment than in the first round. It also said that in some precincts, candidates were awarded delegate equivalents when they received no votes in the second round.

The Iowa Caucus is not the first major political contest in which the AP declined to name a winner. The wire service chose not to declare a winner in the 2000 presidential race between Al Gore and George W. Bush because the contest was too close to call. The Supreme Court later determined Bush to be the winner.

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