Iowa DOT Closing Off Appointments for Non-Essential Services

ANKENY, Iowa - The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) is now only accepting appointments at its driver’s service centers for essential services until May 1st. The department made the announcement Monday.

Governor Kim Reynolds issued an order earlier this month postponing the requirement for expiring licenses and ID's to be renewed during the COVID-19 outbreak. Also, the Transportation Safety Administration is now allowing expired licenses to be used as identification for air travel.

Because of those actions, Iowa driver's service centers will not accept appointments for driver's license or ID renewals.

Customers who need help with a commercial driver’s license or chauffeur’s license will be considered essential services.

Driver's service center staff will be calling people who have already made an appointment to reschedule for a date after Mat 1st for non-essential services. Anyone entering a driver’s service center location will be screened before they enter.

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