New Study Looks At Potential Airborne Coronavirus Transmission

There is a new coronavirus study out from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Nebraska Medicine and the National Strategic Research Institute at the University of Nebraska.

The study provides new evidence of environmental contamination in COVID-19 patient care areas. Findings indicate the disease might be spread through direct and indirect contact, including contaminated objects and airborne transmission.

The study also suggests COVID-19 patients with even mild symptoms may spread the virus and contaminate surfaces through coughing.

“Our findings show how important it is for health care workers providing direct care to these patients to take enhanced transmission precautions,” says Dr. John Lowe, vice chancellor for Inter-professional Health Security Training and Education.

According to the Nebraska Medicine/UNMC study examined eleven isolation rooms where 13 people who were confirmed with COVID-19 infections were treated. Commonly-used items including toilet facilities and air samples had evidence of the virus.

"It’s why we have maintained COVID patients in rooms equipped with negative air flow and will continue to make efforts to do so, even with an increase in the number of patients.," said Dr. James Lawler, UNMC Global Center for Health Security.

Researchers also stress the importance of cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. A link to the full document is available here.

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