Gov Reynolds Declares Day of Prayer, Gets Backlash From Faith Group

DES MOINES, Iowa - Governor Kim Reynolds has signed a proclamation declaring Thursday as a "Day of Prayer" in response to the spread of COVID-19 in the state.

Reynolds called on Iowans to "unite in prayer" during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic

Thursday is the first day of Passover in the Jewish religion, as well as the Christian holy day of Maundy which precedes Easter on Sunday.

Late Wednesday, The Interfaith Alliance of Iowa released a statement slamming the governor's action as inappropriate. Connie Ryan, the group's executive director, said the governor is not the state's Pastor in Chief, and should not promote any particular religion or any religious practice.

Thursday is also the scheduled Iowa Prayer Breakfast, which started in 1961 and involves the governor, state legislators and religious leaders.

Read Governor Reynolds statement below:

“The power of prayer and faith in God is something that has guided so many of us in good times and bad. We have all been impacted by COVID-19. Some of us have lost a loved one and others know those who are sick. Whether you are a nurse on the frontlines fighting the pandemic, a grocery store worker, the truck driver making a delivery, or someone laid off at home, this has been a challenging and stressful time. Let us join together and pray for our neighbors, communities and state.”

Gov. Kim Reynolds

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