389 New Cases of COVID-19 in Iowa, Many from Meat Processing Workers

DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) reports 389 new cases of COVID-19/coronavirus as of Sunday, along with one new death.

Governor Kim Reynolds office says a significant portion of the new cases are from surveillance testing of meat processing employees. 261 or 67% of the 389 new from surveillance testing of meat processing facilities. That includes over 500 completed surveillance tests of Tyson employees and over 500 completed surveillance tests of National Beef employees, for a total of 84 positive and 177 positive respectively. 

The new numbers bring Iowa’s total COVID-19 deaths to 75 and total positive cases to 2,902.

The department says 24,550 people have tested for the virus and 1,171 people have recovered.

The one new death reported is an older adult (61-80 tears-old) in Muscatine County.

Iowa's region 6 remains at level 10 for coronavirus, which would call for a shelter in place order, according to IDPH guidelines. Governor Reynolds has declined to declare a shelter in place order for the region, but put further restrictions in place, including a requirement that any gatherings be only among family members living in the same home. Region 6 includes Linn County, which has the state's largest outbreak of the virus.

Region 1, which includes Des Moines, is at level 9 as is region 5, which includes Jonson County and Louisa County, where an outbreak has occurred at a Tyson meat processing plant.

Here's a breakdown of each region's level for the virus; Region 1: 9, Region 2: 7, Region 3: 5, Region 4: 6, Region 5: 9, Region 6: 10

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