Iowa Legislature Delays Activities Until May 15th

DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa State Legislature has decided to suspend its session until May 15th because of the COVID-19 outbreak

Twenty-four lawmakers met by phone and voted unanimously for the delay in activity. (The 24 members make up the Legislative Council, which makes interim decisions.)

The Republican majority led by House Speaker Pat Grassley and Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver were questioned by Democrats, who favored a delay in returning to the Capitol until there’s been a two-week decline in COVID-19 cases in the Des Moines area.

Whitver said there are ongoing conversations with Governor Kim Reynolds and the state health department to determine when it's safe to return, and the date could change.

Reynolds has moved to open up some businesses and activities, even though COVID-19 cases and death are on the rise in Iowa.

The legislature neighboring Missouri reassembled at its state capitol this week to hash out a state budget.

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