DES MOINES, Iowa - The Iowa Department of Health continues to report a daily drop in new cases of COVID-19/coronavirus, with 214 reported Saturday. Three-hundred and ninety seven cases were reported Friday, down from 655 Thursday. The state recorded high counts well over 700 in two of the last eight days.
Nine deaths are being reported, bringing the overall death total to 252.
The state is well below the goal set by Governor Kim Reynolds to test 3,000 people per day with the addition of the Test Iowa program. Only 1,215 new tests were reported to have been completed as of Saturday. The health department is reporting a total of 71,476 individual tests.
The state says 30 people have been admitted to hospitals during the last 24-hour measuring period. 402 people are now hospitalized for COVID-19, down from 407 Friday. There are 161 patients in ICU.
The Test Iowa program has completed 335,427 assessments. The state claims that 1-in-43 Iowans have been tested.
A total of 5,011 in Iowa have recovered from COVID-19.