Scammers are pushing fake COVID-19 tests

New scam tactics are targeting COVID-19 tests.

Van talks with Jeanne Mentel, Iowa's SMP Program Manager about new tactics that scammers are using related to COVID-19 and important ways to avoid being scammed:

·Be wary of ads or telemarketers selling home test kits. These are all over the internet and social media.

·Don’t click on links from sources you don’t know, which could put your computer or device at risk.

-Make sure the anti-malware and anti-virus software on your computer are up to date.

·While the FDA recently announced approval for one home test kit, it does requires a doctor’s order. But most test kits being advertised have not been approved by the FDA, and aren’t necessarily accurate.

-The Everlywell home-collection kit is currently the only FDA authorized COVID-19 at-home sample collection kit for use with multiple authorized COVID-19 diagnostic tests. The kit and associated tests are available by prescription only—and are for diagnosis of COVID.

·If you suspect Medicare fraud, please contact Senior Medicare Patrol at 1-800-351-4664 or online at

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