If you got the Rona, would you take Hydroxychloroquine?

It's a drug name so toxic, that using it on social media can get you suspended or banned... even if you are a Doctor!


So if you found this on social media, who knows if it will stay up for long.

There are many - including a Yale epidemiologist - who says it is extremely effective. In fact he says 100,000 lives would be saved if it was used for COVID-19.

Ever since President Trump talked about it and in fact took it, the mainstream media has been trying to make him look stupid. The media campaign has been so successful that when a video emerged this week of other doctors saying how great it was, it was not only taken down, but people tweeting it out were suspended from their social media accounts.

What do you believe? If you got the Wuhan Flu would you take it?

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Our polls are not scientific and are for entertainment

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