Des Moines City Council Meeting on Ammunition Purchase Ends Abruptly

DES MOINES, Iowa - A Des Moines City Council Meeting on Zoom over the purchase of police ammunition will resume Wednesday after veering out of control and ending abruptly Monday night.

A statement from Deputy City Manager Matt Anderson says public remarks beyond the public comment portion of the meeting could not be disabled, which prevented the Council from voting on the issue.

The Des Moines Register reports at least one person was swearing, leading Mayor Frank Cownie to suggest the meeting be shut down.

The City Council will reconvene Wednesday at 9 am to consider a $99,000 purchase of police ammunition for officer training and use in critical situations such as active shooters, bombings and civil disobedience.

The ammunition would be used by the Metro Special Tactics and Response (S.T.A.R.), specialized unit within the Homeland Security Bureau that responds to a wide variety of critical incidents.

The Register reports two dozen people, including Des Moines Black Lives Matter organizers, spoke against the ammunition purchase Monday night.

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