Medics want us to get a flu shot to help hospitals - will you?

Against the backdrop of the Rona, medical professionals are urging Iowans and Midwesterners to get their flu shots early to help hospitals - and it seems we're listening!

"Getting your immunizations for the flu is definitely going to help everyone out. I think people are scared because of COVID and they've seen the things that can happen with that, so they want to prevent any further illness," Dr. Adam Andrews of UnityPoint in Central Iowa was reported as saying.

In the first ten days of this month, UnityPoint reported they'd given out 2,000 more shots than in the same ten days last year.

"We have thousands, if not tens of thousands of deaths every year from influenza. And it's really something that goes under the radar for most people," Andrews said. "Unlike COVID, it's something that not only is dangerous for the elderly, but also for pregnant woman, unborn children and children under 12."

He said it was important to get the shot early " if we do have another spike in COVID cases, we're not doubly overloaded."

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