Poll Shows Growing Disapproval of Gov. Kim Reynolds Handling of COVID-19

DES MOINES, Iowa – The latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows growing disapproval of Governor Kim Reynolds' handling of COVID-19.

The survey shows a 15 percent drop in approval of Reynolds' management of the pandemic since June.

The result show a sharp split along party lines, with most Republicans supporting Reynolds' efforts while there's strong disapproval from Democrats.

Overall, 47% of Iowans disapprove of Governor Reynolds’ job addressing the coronavirus pandemic and 44% approving. The poll shows 9 percent of respondents are “not sure” in the poll.

The numbers show a 15% drop since the last Iowa Poll in June, when 59% of Iowans approved of the governor’s job in managing COVID-19.

For respondents who identified as Republicans, 80% said they approve of Reynolds’ job on the issue. For those identifying as Democrats, 82% said they disapproved.

More on the Iowa poll is here.

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