Lead Keeps Changing in Razor Tight Southeastern Iowa Congressional Race

DES MOINES, Iowa - New data from the Iowa Secretary of State's office Tuesday morning showed Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks with a tight 34 vote lead over Democrat Rita Hart in the race for southeastern Iowa's Congressional seat.

A recount in Jasper County Monday left Hart with a slim 152 vote lead over Miller-Meeks.

The see-saw battle is continuing under a national spotlight with FiveThirtyEight suggesting it's the tightest Congressional battle in the country.

No more than several hundred votes separating the two candidates at any time.

At the end of election day, Miller-Meeks led Hart by just under 300 votes, but Hart pulled ahead in the following days after more absentee ballots were counted and a vote counting error was corrected.

Both campaigns have expressed discontent with election result when each has been behind.

Both sides have until Friday to ask for a recount at any precinct or the entire

The secretary of state's office will confirm the results in the coming days.

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