Iowa College Republicans Kick Out ISU Chapter Over Tweet to 'Arm Up'

AMES, Iowa - The Iowa Federation of College Republicans (IFCR) is kicking out its Iowa State University chapter.

The move comes after the ISU group tweeted a message to "arm up" shortly after Joe Biden was projected as the presidential winner last Saturday.

The statewide group says the ISU chapter is being defederated because of "inflammatory tweets, inappropriate behavior and disregard for fellow citizens."

The ISU chapter criticized the decision, and said the tweet was meant to support Second Amendment rights.

Meanwhile, the university has announced that it will not take any disciplinary action over the tweet.

But the Iowa State Student Senate is taking action to remove the ISU Republican chapter president, Ryan Hurley, from the Senate.

The ISU chapter also made a reference to firearms in a tweet the day after the November 3rd election, saying, “Do not accept the results, these people are trying to steal the election. It’s time to keep your rifle by your side.”

The University of Iowa College Republicans tweeted a statement in supports the statewide group's decision.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a nonprofit focused on free speech on college campuses, is criticizing the university's policies. It sent a letter to ISU President Wendy Wintersteen, saying, "The First Amendment protects political rhetoric referencing violence."

The university first responded to the Iowa chapter's "arm up" tweet in a statement, saying "any suggestion of armed activity by a student group is prohibited by university policy, and would be addressed."

The full tweet from the ISU chapter read, "Everyone, you must arm up, expect these people to attempt to destroy your life, the elites want revenge on us."

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