UI Hospitals Has Chart for COVID-19 Risk Level of Holiday Activities

IOWA CITY, Iowa - University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics has a chart offering the COVID-19 risk level of some Thanksgiving holiday activities.

Low, medium and high risk examples are given in the categories of Food and Family, Shopping, Sports Fandom and Fitness.

The chart rates shopping in crowded stores and attending a crowded tailgate as high risk. Dinner with family members and watching sports on TV are low risk.

University of Iowa epidemiologist Eli Perencevich tweeted his frustration with the state of the hospital Sunday morning. "Sunday morning in the hospital. It’s happening. Hospitals filling. ICUs are filled. Rationing critical care resources and treatments. Nurses and doctors staring at each other in disbelief. We know. This bloody sucks."

Look at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics chart below.

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