UI Study Shows Agriculture Workers More Likely to Have Dementia

IOWA CITY, Iowa - A new University of Iowa study shows agriculture workers are at a higher risk than the general public to have dementia.

Researchers found workers in the Agriculture industry are 46 percent more likely to develop dementia.

The study does not state a reason for the risk.

It does conclude the effect of pesticide exposure among agriculture workers needs more study.

"This study indicates that agricultural workers have lower resistance against the effects of dementia compared to people in professional or technical jobs. While the onset of the disease may be postponed due to higher resistance to damage to the brain among professional and technical workers, the rate of decline may be faster due to greater accumulation of brain pathology,” said said Kanika Arora, PhD, Assistant Professor in the University of Iowa College of Public Health.

The study surveyed approximately 20,000 people over age 50 in the U.S.

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