Pentagon confirms latest US Navy UFO images are real. What are they?

Pentagon confirms U.S. Navy filmed "pyramid shaped" UFOs hovering over the USS Russell in July 2019 off the coast of California. (@JeremyCorbell)

The Pentagon has confirmed that images circulating on the internet of UFOs buzzing the USS Russell in July of 2019 are authentic.

We are waiting for a major Government report on UFOs to be released this summer, but have been on the receiving end of drip drip images and video for some time now. It's almost like they have been preparing us for something.

According to Fox News, the video and images were leaked to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who made the documentary "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers," and KLAS TV’s chief investigative reporter George Knapp.

The conformation of authenticity came from Department of Defense spokesperson Susan Gough. "I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel," she told Fox. "The UAPTF [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force] has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations." 

“This (video) was taken on deployment from the USS Russell,” Jeremy Corbell told Mystery Wire. “It shows what they described as vehicles. And they made a great distinction.They made sure in this classified briefing, they made a great distinction that this is not something that we own either a black project, this is not something of a foreign military, that these were behaving in ways that we did not expect. And that they were you know shaped non aerodynamically. Like pyramids, these are flying pyramids!”

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