Another 800 acres of Iowa land now covered in solar panels. Good move?

Last month the Wapello Solar Facility in Louisa County started to deliver power. It has 318,000 two sided panels and covers 800 acres of Iowa land.

Clearly nothing will grow underneath them and then there's the whole heavy snow thing. Light snow is not an issue, but when the big stuff flies, the panels will stop generating.

The Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) will be buying power from the site. It's CEO Bill Cherrier said "We are going very heavily into renewables, and we believe it's important to go there. We believe it's great for the environment, but we're doing it on a cost-effective basis."

Another new solar plant is about to get under construction in Linn County.

"We're seeing wind and solar being some of the largest additions in capacity for utilities across the united states right now, so CIPCO is not going this alone. We see a lot of the other utilities in Iowa going in the same direction," Cherrier said.

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