SCOTUS to hear post 15 weeks abortion ban case. Will they stand for Life?

Later this year the Supreme Court will hear a case regarding a Mississippi law which bans most abortion after 15 weeks.

It will be the first test of the so-called Conservative court on the Life issue.

And that could simply be the start as many more Life cases are in Federal Courts now with the potential to head to the SCOTUS.

As you would expect, some people are not happy.

"What we're seeing is huge numbers of abortion restrictions being passed at the state level," said Julie Rikelman, litigation director at the Center for Reproductive Rights. "And it's clear that it's all part of a coordinated national strategy to either make abortion completely inaccessible or to push it out of reach through any means necessary."

Meanwhile The Susan B. Anthony List is cautiously optimistic. "Pro-life activists have new hope that the Supreme Court will address the abortion issue," said Mallory Quigley, spokesperson for the List. "None of these splits guarantees a pro-life outcome from the court, although we are hopeful given the new makeup of the court post the Trump-Pence administration."

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