Cosmo rentable scooters arrive in Cedar Rapids Thursday

(Cedar Rapids, IA) -- Cosmo scooters will arrive in Cedar Rapids Thursday May 21st. The scooters are the newest addition to the Cedar Rapids Bike Share program. The city is hosting an event Thursday from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in Greene Square, where residents can ride the new scooters for free. Staff will be there to help people download the mobile app and answer questions. Normal fares resume after the event.

The Cosmos are sit-down scooters, which travel at the same speeds as traditional stand-up scooters. The Cosmo lowers the rider’s center of gravity, makes hand signaling easier, and provides another mobility option for riders who are not comfortable or able to ride a bike or traditional stand-up scooter. Like traditional scooters and e-bikes, residents can ride the new Cosmo scooters on the bike lanes, travel lanes, or trails, but not on the sidewalk.

The Cosmo scooters join electric-assist bikes and electric scooters that launched earlier this month. The Bike Share program is available throughout the downtown and surrounding districts (MedQuarter, NewBo, Czech Village, Kingston Village) for short recreational rides or to close gaps in transportation.

Fares include:

·E-bikes: $1 to unlock, 20 cents per minute of use.

·Traditional standup scooters: $1 to unlock, 29 cents per minute of use.

·New sit-down scooters: $1 to unlock, 33 cents per minute of use.

Using the Bike Share System:

·Download the VeoRide mobile app for free.

·Create an account.

·Scan the QR code on any scooter or bike (or enter the ID number) to begin your ride.

·When finished, park in a designated bike rack and submit a photo of your correctly parked bike/scooter.

·The fare will end once you lock the bike or click "end ride" on the scooter.

·Payment is completed through the app.

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