A New Jesuit Residence Planned For Creighton U.

A new, donor-funded Jesuit Residence at Creighton University that will stand along 24th Street near the current residence and "Jesuit Gardens" is being developed.

Site work will begin this Spring, with the building expected to open in the Fall of 2023.

A spokesperson says the total cost is approximately $17 million and is supported through donor investments.

The 37,779-square-foot building will house area Jesuits, many of whom live, serve and work on campus as instructors, pastors, chaplains, University administrators, and staff.

The facility will have five guestrooms for visiting Jesuit priests.

Floor plans include 29 bedrooms for Creighton Jesuits, as well as a 1,015-square-foot chapel, a dining hall, and library.

(Picture from Creighton University)

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