Iowans' Flight To End Polio Arrives At Outbreak Epicenter

Photo: Flight to End Polio

(Karachi, Pakistan ) -- Two Center Rapids, Iowa men, on a "Flight To End Polio" continue their quest to fly around the world in a single-engine airplane to raise money to help address a polio outbreak. Rotarians Peter Teahen and John Ockenfells arrived in Karachi, Pakistan this week and visited UNICEF-supported polio vaccination sites where they gave polio drops to children. Pakistan is considered a command center for polio in the world because of increased cases.

The two are visiting nearly two dozen countries over a three-month time period to spread awareness about the illness, which has made a comeback in the Middle East.

Teahen and Ockenfells have since left Pakistan and have arrived in India, where they intend to stop in four locations. They also have plans to visit Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Figi, American Samoa, Christmas Island, and Hawaii before traveling back to the mainland U-S, and returning to Cedar Rapids by the end of July.

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