Lack of Rain Not a Problem for Iowa Crops...For Now...

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DES MOINES, Iowa -- A weeks-long lack of rain across Iowa isn't a concern for the state's corn and soybean crops...yet...

"The climate outlook does suggest that we're going to shift into a less dry pattern with a more active storm track. I'm confident that we will see some wider-spread rainfalls as we get into the middle and latter parts of June," says Iowa State Climatologist Justin Glisan

He says the real concern starts if Iowa is still this rain-free by the end of this month and into the first part of July.

"A persistent dry pattern especially through June--which is the wettest month, climatologically, for a majority of the state--that will be a concern, definitely, if we're talking like this at the end of the month," Glisan says.

He says a lack of rainfall that persists into the start of July could affect crop yields.

"I'd almost rather be dry right now as opposed to getting into July and August when were getting to corn pollination, tasseling and grain-fill. We can make up those deficits, but we need to start making them up in a pretty short period of time coming up in the middle to end of June," Glisen says.

Glisan says Iowa is seeing a record 154 weeks--nearly three years--with some level of drought in the state.

Last week's National Drought Monitor map showed nearly 99 percent of Iowa in drought or near-drought.

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