Tuition Increase Proposal In NU Budget

A tuition increase is recommended in the 2023-2024 budget proposal for the University of Nebraska System.

The proposal is to be considered by the Board of Regents at their June 22nd meeting.

In a news release, the N-U System says it amounts to less than $300 more over the academic year for most Nebraska undergraduates.

Nebraska undergrads taking a full course load at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln would pay $270 more next year, students at the University of Nebraska at Omaha would pay $240 more, and students at Nebraska- Kearney would pay $210 more.

The proposed 2023-24 budget key elements include:

- The tuition increase that averages 3.5 percent for all students. Students who qualify for free tuition under the Nebraska Promise program would see no impact from the increase.

- A 3 percent increase in the salary pool for non-unionized faculty and staff. Salary increases are to be awarded based on merit. System President Ted Carter noted that competitive compensation is one of the most crucial ingredients to attracting and retaining talent, and that his goal is for the university to be well above the peer average in paying its top faculty.

- An additional $2 million in state funding for the Nebraska Career Scholarships program, which provide scholarships to Nebraska students in fields like healthcare, IT and engineering.

- A $27 million shortfall in 2023-24, the result of inflationary pressures and lower-than-projected enrollment. NU anticipates an additional $30 million challenge in 24-25, bringing the total shortfall to almost $58 million by the end of the biennium. They say without the tuition increase, the shortfall would be close to $70 million.

Regents will also consider the 2023-24 operating budget for the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture at their June 22nd meeting.

Under the proposed tuition increase, NCTA students would pay $5 more per credit hour next year.

(Picture from University of Nebraska System)

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