Archeologists Find Surprises At Northern Iowa Dig

Photo: KTIV-Sioux City

(Undated) -- Archeologists have found some interesting items at a dig at a northern Iowa historical site. Researchers have been focused on an area near the Abbie Gardner cabin in Arnold's Park, Iowa, the site of an 1857 massacre. Abbie Gardner was 13 years old when she was taken captive and then returned for ransom three months later. She later returned and claimed her family's home and turned it into a profitable venture by sharing her story with visitors. The cabin and museum is currently operated by Dickinson County Conservation and the State Historical Society of Iowa.

State Archeologist John Doershuk says they found household items from the the late 1800s and early 1900s, after Abbie returned. He says the items include glass, cups and dishes, cans, bottles, and other household items. He says further research uncovered something he says is likely much older, a native-crafted gun flint used for a flintlock rifle. He says a native person would have known how to craft their own where settlers would would have traded for an upgrade.

Arnold's Park is on West Lake Okoboji in Dickinson County, about 200 miles from Des Moines.

Photo: State Historical Society of Iowa

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