Will there ever come a time when the media is over Biden's lies?

Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP / Getty Images

Yesterday he told the world he was in New York at Ground Zero on 9/12/2001. It was a lie. A well documented lie. Even his own book put him somewhere else, but there is no outcry. No media calling out the latest blatant outrageous lie from the President of the United States.

Yesterday also, he was in Alaska instead of New York or Washington DC or Philadelphia. He chose to be away from 9-11 cities and then he started his remarks with a joke. On 9-11.

There were some family members in New York that were pleased he wasn't there, fearing he would make the anniversary about himself as he did most recently in Maui while talking about the total loss of Lahaina.

There are some members of the media that want him to drop out of the Presidential race for 2024, but they fear if he does, the Democrats will be left with VP Harris. Trust me when I tell you that if the Polls were showing him with a 10 point lead over all Republicans, even those few so-called journalists would excuse this president's truly appalling behaviour.

Will there ever come a time when the media is over Biden's lies?\

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