What Harvest Time Is Like On A Farm With Corn, Soybeans, And Pigs

When you raise livestock, like pigs, it requires year-round care of the animals. There is never an off-season or a busy season for Iowa’s pig farmers but there is something special about Fall on the farm.

It’s not a coincidence that Iowa is number one in corn production, soybean production and pig production. Iowa’s landscape is ideal for all three and they work together to make the cycle incredibly sustainable. Fall brings the sustainability of Iowa agriculture to life with the harvesting of crops that feed the pigs and then the application of manure that feeds next year’s crops.

Iowa’s pig farmers feel a deep responsibility to protect the environment and ensure sustainability.

City kid Jeff loves to talk to Iowa farmers about how they do what they do. Val Plagge of Franklin County calls in from the cab of her tractor to discuss what fall is like for an operation that raises pigs, corn, AND soybeans. Click below to listen:

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