What President Trump Wants On Immigration

Trump Announces Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy (RAISE) Act

You heard Congressman Steve King on my show expressing real concern over an effort by some members of Congress to grant amnesty to those impacted by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, an Obama Administration policy that gave two-year renewable work permits to certain illegal aliens who arrived before age 16.

Congressman King knows that the President is looking for a deal on DACA and he believes that some type of bill dealing with the program is the first priority for Congress in 2018.  President Trump has signed an order rescinding the program in March.

What does the President want in return for action on DACA?

An end to chain migration:  Chain Migration refers to the chains of foreign nationals who are allowed to immigrate to the United States because citizens and lawful permanent residents are allowed to sponsor their non-nuclear family members.

An end to the visa lottery:   This program makes available 50,000 immigrant visas annually by selecting applicants from countries with low rates of immigration in the previous five years.

A southern border wall.  

Questions going forward:  does President Trump hold firm on all of these demands?  If these demands are accepted, does he have the votes in Congress?

Is this a compromise acceptible to Trump voters and conservatives or does it dishearten them just in time for the 2018 election?

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