
How To Start Saving For Christmas RIGHT NOW

It's no secret that I LOVE Christmas so much, I begin to celebrate the holidays on the day after Labor Day.

But, in all seriousness, there are only 100 DAYS until Christmas. So nowā€™s a good time to plan your shopping strategy.

The trick to budgeting is including food, travel, and the little things, along with those gifts you buy. Trust me, it adds up! Lay out your plans and list everything you think youā€™ll be paying for then follow these essential steps to saving for the holidays.

Map out your goals. Once you figure out your list, use a savings calculator like the one on Nerdwallet to figure out what to set aside.

Decide where the moneyā€™s coming from.

Get the whole family involved. Try envelope budgeting. Use an envelope for each category you need to save for and put cash in each from every paycheck until you hit your goal. Have family members do the same and encourage your children to follow suit.

Once youā€™re in the budgeting groove, donā€™t be surprised if you start using the method year round!

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