
Racehorse heads into oncoming traffic on I-80 near Des Moines LISTEN

DES MOINES, Iowa - Saturday morning traffic's usually a little on the quiet side, so imagine the shock of drivers near Des Moines when a racehorse ran head-on into traffic on Interstate 80 near Altoona.

Altoona Police, Polk County Sheriff's Deputies, and the Iowa State Patrol joined the horse's owners in chasing the racehorse down just after 7:30 a.m. One startled driver called Newsradio 1040 WHO and reported the horse ran right in front of a moving car on the interstate.

The dispatcher warned officers to grab a lasso, and one deputy reported the horse going eastbound in the westbound lanes of 80. Finally a deputy reported to dispatch that a trooper had the horse. All in a day's work.

Listen below. Photo Elizabeth Holt. Iowa Department of Transportation.


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