Jobless Claims in Iowa Still High, But Down 18,000 From Week Prior

DES MOINES, Iowa - Jobless claims in Iowa are still high, but down from the last report.

46,356 people filed first time claims in the most recent week, which is down almost 18,000 (17,838) from the week before.

The number of continuing weekly unemployment claims was 128,819, which is up more than 37,000 from 91,631 the previous week.

A total of $37,881,985.37 of unemployment insurance benefits were paid to people making claims in Iowa for the same week. That's a steep rise from $27.5 million reported in the previous week.

The following industries had the most claims:

Health Care and Social Assistance (6,789)

Manufacturing (6,002)

Retail Trade (5,813)

Accommodation and Food Services (4,292)

Industry Not Recognized (9,604)

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