Photo: Wisconsin DNR
(Clear Lake, IA) -- An invasive plant has been found at northern Iowa's Clear Lake, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The D-N-R says the Eurasian watermilfoil was spotted last fall east of McIntosh Beach, a larger patch was found last week near Farmer's Beach. The DNR is urging boaters and other users to be extra vigilant to help prevent the spread of the plant, which can spread quickly and impair beneficial native plants.
Scott Grummer, Clear Lake Fish Management Biologist says a herbicide is an effective treatment to kill the plant, but it's most effective when the entire body of water is treated. He notes, give Clear Lake is a 4,000 acre lake, that would be extremely challenging, and could cost up to $250,000.
Additional information from the DNR:
Clean, Drain, Dry is a simple three step process that boaters need to follow every time they move from one body of water to another.
- CLEAN any plants, animals or mud from the boat and equipment before you leave a water body.
- DRAIN water from all equipment (motor, live well, bilge, transom well, bait bucket) before you leave a water body.
- DRY anything that comes into contact with water (boats, trailers, equipment, boots, clothing, dogs). Before you move to another waterbody either: Spray your boat and trailer with hot, high-pressure water; or Dry your boat and equipment for at least five Days.
- Never release plants, fish or animals into a water body unless they came out of that water body and empty unwanted bait in the trash.
It is illegal to possess or transport prohibited aquatic invasive species, such as Eurasian watermilfoil, in Iowa. Boaters must also drain all water from boats and equipment before leaving a water access and must keep drain plugs removed or opened during transport.
Find more information about aquatic invasive species and a list of infested waters in the 2024 Iowa Fishing Regulations booklet or on the DNR’s website at