(Des Moines, IA) -- Sixty one of Iowa's 99-counties are under burn bans, due to dry conditions. The National Weather Service says there's an elevated fire danger in most of Iowa, due to dry & windy conditions. More dry, warm weather is expected this weekend. There is a chance of rain on Monday.
State Fire Marshal Dan Wood says they're encouraging farmers to be ready to disc up ground to make a fire break. He's also asking everyone to be careful discarding smoking materials and if you see a small fire to report it right away because in these conditions, small fire can become big fires very quickly. He says fires can also jump roads and continue to spread to nearby fields.
Field fires are common this time of year, as crops dry down, but Wood says this year it's especially dry and windy, creating an extreme fire hazard.
He's asking Iowans to consider becoming a volunteer firefighter.
Farmer disking fire break in Story CountyPhoto: Story County, IA Sheriff's Office
Photo: Iowa State Fire Marshal's Office