Photo: RapidEye / E+ / Getty Images
(Davenport, IA) -- A Davenport couple faces five years in prison after pleading guilty to stealing more than $200,000 from a disabled family member.
52-year-old Lance Seastrand and 56-year-old Staci Seastrand pled guilty to multiple counts of theft, forgery, and fraud charges after investigators say they withdrew the money from the victim’s bank account and retirement funds back in December 2021.
Investigators say the funds were used for cash and casino withdrawals and to pay to creditors.
The couple was sentenced to five years of suspended prison time, three years of supervised probation, pay a $1,025 fine, and must pay $150,000 in victim restitution.
There is also a no contact order for five years, prohibiting the Seastrands from having contact with the victim.